Muraglia. Antico Frantoio

The excellent quality of extra virgin olive oil.

Frantoio Muraglia was founded in Andria, the oil capital of Apulia, five generations ago, but family’s patriarch has lived through 460 springs. It is a majestic coratina olive tree.

“Recovering ancient vascular art, discovering artists and launching them into our food design concept and project.”

Art is part of our life. Inspiration, beauty, uniqueness and creativity are the concepts we like to transfer to the company. Dreams are what bring man to life and we, our oil, are the expression of our art.

Art in every gesture and every choice. Many people have found out about us because of the beauty of our products, then tasted them and realised that there is goodness in beauty. The art of our craftsmen’s skilful hands shaping, in the truest sense of the word, the world-famous ceramic jars.

The decision to focus on young artists who, with creativity and enthusiasm, interpret our values in unique capsule collections. The art of innovation, investing in technology, not to produce more but to produce better and in less time.


Design Studios


Portofino. Taste and Beauty